``The woman was arrayed
in purple and scarlet and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations
and the filthiness of her fornication. And on her forehead a name was written: MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER of harlots and of the abominations OF THE EARTH, I saw the woman drunk with the blood
of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. And when I saw her, I marveled with great amazement.`` Rev. 17:4-6 (NKJ)
Babylon the great conjures different images in the minds of many a biblical Scholar. To the
new apostolic kids on the block, it is any organized religious outfit, especially denominational entities, with iron-clad
hierarchical structures. Although, the undercurrents of many of such denominational camps are engineered by Babylonian craftsmen,
yet a lack of proper order, accountability and integrity does not constitute the Banner of Zion.
This piece is to reiterate what the truth is about Babylon in its three dimensions and we
hope it will be a wake-up call to the slumbering saints and those at ease in Zion who think they are advancing the frontiers
of the Kingdom, whereas all they are doing like the Nimrod crowd is making names for themselves and showing forth their empire
and towers as a symbol generational relevance and impact.
To start with, Babylon is a city built by man in direct opposition to Godīs express
command. With its tower that reaches unto heaven, it is manīs attempt to reach God in his own efforts and according to the
dictates of his own heart. That this is not acceptable to God is the swift response of heaven to the misuses of God-given
imagination that resulted in the disintegration of a divine order- the confusion of their language and the abandonment of
their rebellious project. Nimrod, whose name means rebellion, was the architect of this city called Babel which by interpretation
means mixture or confusion. This is Babylon in its first dimension. The city had been destroyed, rebuilt, destroyed again
and is being re-built up to the present day. But its utter ruin and final collapse as prophesied by Isaiah and Jeremiah and
other prophets will manifest in the not too distant future. For strong is the Lord God who judges her. (Rev. 18:8).
Secondly, Babylon is a mental condition that operates in deceptions, confusions and delusion.
It is a warped mentality that confuses glory with wealth and substitutes the gold-head for the God-head. Such a mindset, incurable
as it may seem for those caught in its web, is a product of divine imagination on those who choose not to receive the love
of truth.
“And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion that they should believe
a lie: that they might all be damned who believe not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”
(2 Thess. 2:11&12)
If Babel means mixture and confusion, those with Babylonian mentality often indulge in mixture
of all things inclusive of perverse doctrine and trap the undiscerning in their intricate web of deception for dishonest gain.
Finally, Babylon is a spirit. This sprit or religious whoredom is symbolized by the scarlet
woman who sits upon many waters representing peoples, multitudes, nations and tongues. The mystery of the greatness of this
Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth is that she is drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the
martyrs of Jesus. John the beloved, when he saw her, even wondered with great admiration not indignation. Simply put, this
Religious Devil looks attractive as she is arrayed in purple and scarlet colour as well as decked with gold and precious stones
and pearls. But a deeper look into her make up is the annoying truth that it is the blood of the saints and of the martyrs
(witness) of Jesus that is giving her strength.
The life of an animal is in its blood. It is the sons of Zion, held down in the captivity
of Babylon, that are supplying strength to this Religious Devil. Every witness of Jesus, every true saint of God must be aware
of this truth and like Daniel purpose in his mind against every subtle defilement hawked by the king and princes of Babylon
to gullible princes of Zion. What you indulge in and eat or drink will end up eating and consuming you.
Alive & Free In Christ
Dr. Tunde Bakare
Serving Overseer
The Latter Rain Assembly
Lagos, Nigeria.